March 28, 2023
“SCOTUS to Decide ‘Fundamental Change’ in Biologics Patents with Fate of Amgen v. Sanofi,” PharmaVoice
Harness patent attorney Kisuk Lee was quoted in a March 28, article in PharmaVoice, discussing the recent United States Supreme Court case hearing inAmgen v. Sanofi. The article details how unusual the case is as it creates a “roadmap” for creating brand-new biologics of a certain class rather than the typical biosimilar fight – leading to many implications for the industry’s use of biologics patents on medicines.
Lee said the case could “fundamentally change patent practice on how to prepare and procure a patent, particularly a chem/bio/pharma patent.”
“This case is not about the (generics and biosimilars acts) per se, but has indirect implications about the tension between the groups.”
The Supreme Court will now decide whether Amgen can protect Repatha as a whole class of drugs or whether Sanofi’s rival product Praluent can retain a place in the market.
To learn more, you may view the full article here.
Harness IP is celebrating more than 100 years as an intellectual property law firm. Founded in 1921, the firm currently holds a No. 2 ranking from IAM Media for providing counsel to 44 companies with the largest portfolios of issued U.S. patents. The firm also ranks No. 6 for filing the most patent applications on behalf of those companies. Harness IP’s attorneys and IP professionals focus exclusively on patents, trademarks, global IP management, litigation and other IP rights. The firm has offices in metropolitan Dallas, Detroit, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C. Visit for more information.