September 14, 2023
Harness IP Included in Texas Lawyer’s 2023 Watch List for Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Harness IP is pleased to announce that Texas Lawyer magazine has included the firm on its 2023 Watch List in recognition of the firm’s ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion.
In its citation, the publication noted “the correlation between the value of unique perspectives that a commitment to diversity and inclusion offer and the unique thoughts and inventions at the core of intellectual property practice.” The firm’s recent Mansfield Rule Certification and involvement in several Leadership Council on Legal Diversity programs were also highlighted.
The Watch List is a special supplement to Texas Lawyer that highlights Texas firms with fewer than 250 attorneys that its editors deem “should be on everybody’s radar.” Firms are recognized for outstanding achievement in categories including community outreach, diversity/inclusion, firm growth/new hires, innovation, new practice areas launched, and notable client/verdicts.
The full listing and firm profiles can be found in Texas Lawyer Watch List’s online edition.